Dollhouse enthusiasts for whom the miniature world is anything but a laughing matter won't settle for anything else but dollhouse furniture only hand-crafted and made completely by them. If you are fascinated by this household art-form and do not want to shell out big bucks for the minuscule tables and chairs, then constructing dollhouse furniture by yourself is probably the most convenient, and surely the most fun option.
How to Make Dollhouse Furniture? - There are different ways in which beginners in the field of constructing dollhouse furniture can choose to make the little pieces of décor. It is advisable, however, that the earliest attempts be made using really affordable, household items. The various ways to do it are

Rustic Art
This type of construction really lets your imagination run wild. Moreover, it widens the scope for trial and error as it uses day-to-day items in an appealing manner.
Ice-Cream Sticks - After the Popsicle party is over, ask your children and their friends to collect all the sticks and be ready for some crafty fun. Just glue the sturdy sticks into desired shapes and your furniture is ready. Simple sizing is enough to make a beginner’s piece of furniture, but the nitpickers will enjoy designing them according to their vision.
Toothpicks - It is a preferred option for beginners as they provide the necessary strength, and a natural design adds to the flair of the furniture. Combining the sharpness of toothpicks with the curvature of Popsicle sticks to give the piece more character can end up in great designs.
Steps of Construction
- Gathering manuals and how to guides and following the steps
- Collecting only material which is required. Unnecessary cluttering should be avoided.
- Constructing the furniture. It is better to have an idea drawn, or an image in front.
- Finishing-Coloring the material, any changes to fit the scale etc.
Popular Materials Used
Apart from wood, cardboard, wires etc. Poly-resin is another material that has caught the fancy of dollhouse makers, hobbyists and manufacturers alike. The unique combination of polyester fabric and hard resin gives the material a very innovative feel and texture, apart from good amount of strength. The prospect of achieving great level of detailing is also high with Poly-resin as it is a malleable material.
Dollhouses are a dream with abundant scope for fun and frolic. It is even better when, as in a dream, you are the one is the creator!
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